At Spooner Window & Door, we specialize in custom showers and installation for bathrooms of all shapes, sizes, and styles. Our team of experts will take the time to listen and work with you to custom design your bathroom to your exact expectations. Once designed, our team will work with designers and builders to create your bathroom or spa.
With so many options to choose from, you can be confident that you’ll get a custom bathroom that works perfectly for your space. Your new shower enclosure will also match your desired look and your budget.
Spooner Window & Door at
715-635-7623 to discuss your bathroom remodeling project with our experts. We would be more than happy to work with you to transform your bathroom into an all-new space for you and your family.
You’ll not only be happy, but you’ll also improve the overall value of your home.
When it comes to shower enclosures, there is no one-size-fits-all. All bathroom spaces are different, so your shower enclosure will be custom to your space. To ensure you’re getting a shower that meets all your needs, you will need a custom enclosure created to fit your space’s exact needs. At Spooner Window & Door, we carry a variety of shower enclosures to fit your needs. These include:
We’d love to hear from you! Call our friendly team at 715-635-7623.
Phone: (715) 635-7623
Address: 450 Dur-A-Bilt Rd
Spooner, Wisconsin 54801-1422
* Financing Programs Available